Pavel Durov is a Russian-born entrepreneur and the founder of Telegram, a popular messaging app that rivals platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, and WeChat.
Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, was apprehended by French authorities at Le Bourget Airport near Paris on Saturday evening.
What charges have been brought against the Telegram CEO?
Why was the Telegram CEO arrested?
Why was the Telegram CEO arrested?
As of the latest updates, the specific reasons behind Pavel Durov’s arrest by French authorities have not been fully disclosed.
However, sources indicate it may be related to legal issues involving Telegram’s operations or compliance with regulations.
Currently, the exact charges against Pavel Durov have not been officially announced. Speculations suggest that they could involve data privacy, regulatory compliance, or other legal concerns related to the operation of the Telegram platform.